Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fourth of July

Yesterday was America day, and we celebrated our home country with style.  There weren't any fireworks shows available, but we had a grill out and played games!

Preparing dinner
Not exactly traditional July weather

Icelandic marshmallows aren't great for roasting

Ptarmigan (partridge in North America) poop - the ornithologist mentioned during his visit that ptarmigan droppings can be used an incense.  The scent varies depending on what the ptarmigan has been eating.  The ornithologist was back in Myvatn for a couple days and brought us a present.  It actually did smell good!

We also have a little friend - there's a lamb that's been showing up at our house wanting to play and/or sample our landlord's garden for the past few days.  It's really cute and friendly! 

She loves ear scratches!

The lamb plays soccer! No, seriously, she was headbutting the ball.

After some games, a few of us went on a midnight hike up Vindbelgur - more pictures from that later!

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